James Boogie People: Talk With Johan Malik, Motorcycle and Fashion Enthusiast

We catch up the dude who has passionate about motorcycles, workwear, denim and boots. We talk about the style,  rarest fashion item, favourite motorcycles to ride, and what things can make him laugh out loud. He shared the unpredictable story to our article who called, James Boogie People. Here we comes, Johan Malik.

(Kami bertemu dengan pria yang sangat menyukai sepeda motor, pakaian kerja, denim, dan sepatu bot. Kami berbincang tentang gaya, item fesyen terlangka, sepeda motor favorit untuk dikendarai, dan hal-hal apa saja yang dapat membuatnya tertawa terbahak-bahak. Ia berbagi cerita yang tidak terduga kepada artikel kami yang berjudul, James Boogie People. Ini dia, Johan Malik.)

Hallo Johan Malik, how are you? And what’s your daily activity now?

(Halo Johan Malik, apa Kabar? Dan apa kegiatan sehari-hari Anda sekarang?)

Hi, Alhamdulillah i’m good. Current activities are more supporting local brands and running several businesses.

(Hallo, Alhamdulillah kabar baik. Aktivitas sekarang sih lebih banyak support lokal brand dan jalanin beberapa bisnis.)

Who introduced you to the workwear and denim?

(Siapa yang mengenalkan anda pada workwear dan denim?)

Workwear and denim have been inseparable since I was 7 years old. It started when I saw my late father coming home with a worn out denim wearpack and boots, at that time I saw a figure that I thought was like a dashing knight, hahaha. And finally, it was my father’s figure that influenced me to have the character I have today.

(Workwear dan denim udah nempel banget dari jaman gw umur 7 tahun. Berawal ketika gw liat almarhum bokap pulang kerumah dengan wearpack denim yang belel dan pakai sepatu boots, saat itu gw ngeliat sosok yang emang menurut gw kayak satria yang gagah aja, hahahaa. Dan akhirnya sosok bokap lah yang menginfluence gw memiliki karakter seperti sekarang ini.)

What do you think is so special about fashion?

(Menurut Anda apa yang istimewa dari fashion?)

For me, fashion is not just a way of dressing, fashion can convey messages, feelings without using words, identity and cultural norms. Fashion is ‘limitless’.

(Buat gw fashion itu bukan cuma sekedar cara berpakaian, fashion bisa menyampaikan pesan, perasaan tanpa menggunakan kata2, indentitas dan norma budaya. Fashion is ‘limitless’.)

What’s the rarest fashion item you own?

(Apa fashion item terlangka yang Anda miliki?)

It’s not rare, maybe it has more historical value. I still keep my high school and college pants; Levis 501 size 27, hahaha.

(Langka sih engga yah, mungkin lebih banyak nilai history nya aja sih. Gw masih nyimpen celana jaman gw SMA dan kuliah; Levis 501 size 27, hahaha.)

What was the last fashion item or motorcycles you bought or built?

(Apa fashion item atau motor terakhir yang Anda beli atau buat?)

A few weeks ago I bought a leather jacket from the US. But actually I didn’t really buy this items, this brands are support me to be exact. Because they saw that I like riding motorbikes, it seems like their products are suitable for me to wear.

(Bebeapa minggu lalu sempet beli jaket kulit dari US. Tapi sebenernya ga beli2 banget sih, ada brand yang supporting tepat nya. Karena mereka liat gw suka motoran seperti nya produk mereka cocok gw pakai.)

What’s your favourite motorcycles to ride? Or fashion item for the daily activity

(Apa motor favorit Anda untuk dikendarai? Atau fashion item (pakaian) untuk aktivitas sehari-hari)

Motorcycles, hmmm.. Out of several motorcycles, all of them are my favorites, because each motorcycle has its own character. If I had to choose 1, I would probably choose the classic Vespa who called ‘Ratna’ that I have.

(Motor yah, hhhmmm.. Dari beberapa motor sih semua nya favorit, karena tiap motor punya karakter masing2. Klo di suruh pilih 1 mungkin gw lebih pilih Vespa klasik bernama ‘Ratna’ yang gw punya.)

Tell us a bit about your fashion style and how did it all start?

(Ceritakan sedikit tentang gaya busana Anda dan bagaimana semuanya dimulai?)

Some people call my style are ‘rugged’. Yes, the style of rough workers in the 80s who always wore boots and denim pants. Because the business I’m in happens to be related to the world of mining, minerals, it seems like that style is suitable. But lately I’ve been wearing casual fashion more often with loose pants and sneakers. Apart from age factors, I like simple things and it just so happens that the trend is heading that way. Hahaa

(Sebagian orang nyebut gaya berpakaian gw dengan sebutan ‘rugged’. Ya, gaya pekerja kasar pada era tahun ’80an yang selalu mengenakan sepatu boots dan celana denim. Karena kebetulan bisnis yang gw geluti berkaitan dengan dunia tambang, mineral, seperti nya gaya berpakaian itu yang cocok. Tapi belakangan ini gw lebih sering casual fashion aja dengan celana loose dan sneakers. Selain faktor usia suka yang simpel dan kebetulan trend nya emang lagi kearah sana aja. Hahaa.

What things can make you laugh out loud?

(Hal apa yang dapat membuat Anda tertawa lepas?)

My wife’s silly behavior after marriage was all discovered by me, mwahahahaha.

(Kelakuan konyol istri gw setelah menikah ketauan semua nya, bwahahahaahaa.)

Thank you Johan Malik for being a James Boogie People, warm regards <3

(Terima kasih Johan Malik sudah menjadi James Boogie People, salam hangat <3)

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