James Boogie People: Talk With Jujuk Margono, Automotive Enthusiast

We catch up the dude with attitude, passionate about motorcycles, cars, apparels and vintage stuffs. We talk about the rarest classic motorcycle,  favourite motorcycles to ride, and what things can make him laugh out loud. He shared the unpredictable story to our latest article who called, James Boogie People. Here we comes, Jujuk Margono.

(Kami bertemu dengan soerang pria yang memiliki sikap, passionate terhadap sepeda motor, mobil, pakaian, dan barang-barang antik. Kami berbicara tentang sepeda motor klasik yang paling langka, sepeda motor favorit untuk dikendarai, dan hal-hal apa saja yang dapat membuatnya tertawa terbahak-bahak. Dia berbagi cerita yang tidak terduga pada artikel terbaru kami yang berjudul, James Boogie People. Ini dia, Jujuk Margono).

Credit picture: instagram @jujukmargono

James: Hallo Jujuk Margono, how are you? And what’s your daily activity now?

(Halo Jujuk Margono, apa Kabar? Dan apa kegiatan sehari-hari Anda sekarang?)

Jujuk: Hello. I’m good. Now my daily activities are just running the office (agency).

(Halo juga. Kabar baik. Sekarang aktivitas keseharian ngejalanin kantor (agency) aja.)

James: Who introduced you to the classic cars or motorcycles?

(Siapa yang mengenalkan anda pada mobil dan sepeda motor klasik?)

Jujuk: My late father, and my oldest brother.

(Almarhum bapak saya, dan kakak tertua saya.)

James: What do you think is so special about classic cars or motorcycles?

(Menurut Anda apa yang istimewa dari mobil atau sepeda motor klasik?)

Jujuk: The designs are everlasting, the technology is simple, and each vehicle has an interesting history.

(Desainnya everlasting, teknologinya simpel, dan masing2 kendaraan punya history yg menarik.)

Credit picture: instagram @jujukmargono

James: What’s the rarest classic cars or motorcycles you own?

(Apa mobil atau motor klasik terlangka yang Anda miliki?)

Jujuk: Maybe Victoria Superluxus (moped), and Honda Dax ST70Z Gen 1 maybe. But Honda Dax is still in need of repair, hehe.

(Mungkin Victoria Superluxus (moped), dan Honda Dax ST70Z Gen 1 kali ya. Tapi yg Honda Dax kondisinya masih bahan, hehe.)

James: What was the last classic cars or motorcycles you bought or built?

(Apa mobil atau motor klasik terakhir yang Anda beli atau buat?)

Jujuk: Currently in the process of building the Vespa ‘Darling’ (again). The target is March 2025 to be has done.

(Saat ini sedang dalam proses ngebangun Vespa ‘Darling’ (lagi). Targetnya bulan Maret 2025 harus kelar.)

James: What’s your favourite motorcycles to ride? Or for the daily activity

(Apa motor favorit Anda untuk dikendarai? Atau untuk aktivitas sehari-hari)

Jujuk: Vespa! classic or automatic, Vespa is definitely cool! The HD Sportster Evo is also cool.

(Vespa! Baik yg klasik, atau matic, Vespa fix asik! Sama HD Sportster Evo juga asik.)

Credit picture: instagram @jujukmargono
James: Tell us a bit about your fashion style and how did it all start?

(Ceritakan sedikit tentang gaya busana Anda dan bagaimana semuanya dimulai?)

Jujuk: My fashion style is that I wear what I feel comfortable and ‘suitable’ in my eyes. As for ‘how did it all start’, maybe since junior high school. Because at that time I started to like mixing and matching clothes.

(Fashion style saya adalah saya pake yg menurut saya nyaman, dan ‘cocok’ di mata saya. Kalo soal ‘how did it all start’ mungkin sejak SMP. Soalnya kala itu saya mulai doyan mix and match pakaian.)

James: who is inspired you? Fashion and passion

(Siapa yang menginspirasi Anda? Gaya busana dan passion)

Jujuk: My fashion inspiration comes from many scenes: automotive, magazines, movies, music, etc. My passion inspiration (automotive) comes from my oldest brother. Since elementary school, my brother often take me to hang out at the workshop.

(Inspirasi fashion saya dari banyak scene: otomotif, majalah, film, musik, dll. Inspirasi passion (otomotif) adalah dari kakak tertua saya. Dari SD saya sudah sering diajak nongkrong di bengkel sama kakak saya.)

James: What things can make you laugh out loud?

(Hal apa yang dapat membuat Anda tertawa lepas?)

Jujuk: My child’s ‘surprising’ and ‘unusual’ behavior! 😀

(Kelakuan ‘mengejutkan’ dan ‘out of the box’ anak saya! :D)

James: Thank you Jujuk Margono for being a James Boogie People, warm regards <3

(Terima kasih Jujuk Margono sudah menjadi James Boogie People, salam hangat <3)

Jujuk: Likewise! Good luck, James Boogie!

(Likewise! Sukses selalu, James Boogie!)

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